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ejee saaheb baddaa jenne sab jug sarjeeyaa
     allah sab jug tere aadhaarjee................................1

The Lord who has created all the worlds is Great. O Allah the entire universe depends on You.

ejee kaachee kaayaa ne kott meetteeadhaa
     meettddee maa(n)he reeddee bheeddee jaayshejee...............2

This fragile body and the fort of clay. One day it will mix up with the dust.

ejee gor a(n)dhaaree maa(n)he vaas-j lee-annaa
     keedde khaadhaa maa(n)saajee.................................3

You will have to live in the dark grave where the worms will eat your flesh.

ejee sute sute kete baras gujar gaye
     fer na sageeyaa paasaajee....................................4

Many years will pass in sleep of death, when you will not be able to turn aside.

ejee satakaa beddlaa saamee maare nennesu(n) ddhoyaa
     moman tees chaddee paar la(n)geshejee........................5

My Lord has kept the boat of truth near me. The momins will cross over the limits of material existence by boarding it.

ejee peer baddaa jenne shaahaa deekhlaayaa
     aa(n)i moman karee lee-o kamaaijee...........................6

The Peer who has introduced the Imaam is indeed great. O momins! perform rewarding deeds.

ejee karee-o kamaai ne daso(n)d dee-annaa
     te moman sachaa yaaraajee....................................7

Perform rewarding deeds and observe the tithe. The momins who act in this manner are indeed the true friends.

ejee eso geenaan peer bhannaave sadardeen
     bhaai fal sachaa yaaraa moman leshejee.......................8

This geenaan is taught by Peer Sadardeen. Brother, the true momin friends will reap the fruits.

[list of ginans]