Ginan c39 - Ismailism


Pir Sadardeen

O brothers! You, the treaders (of the true path), listen: Lord, the king cannot be forgotten in my mind. ...1

O Lord! Yours and my minds and ponders are the same???. Lord, the king is very omnipresent. ...2

Whenever (any adorable) quest comes on behalf of the Lord, I will kneel down to His feet. ...3

You yourself get up to offer a seat to Him. This (deed of yours) will be accounted being the act of religion. ...4

You yourself take a water pot and wash His feet and comb by oiling His hair. ...5

Serve Him (delicious) dish of milk, sugar, ghee and nectar. ...6

Spread for Him a cot with a blanket and fan Him cool breeze. ...7

Four angels (heavenly spirits) sing benedictory song in favour of the Mowla by greeting with pearls. ...8

Pir Sadardeen utters this Holy Ginan: The Paradise is under written for my believers. ...9