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Biens fonciers constitués en waqf en Syrie fatimide pour une famille de Sarifs damascains, Sourdel, D. , p.SERIES: JESHO ; VOLUME: XV ; PAGES: 269-296., (1972)
Die Natur- und Geheimwissenschaften im Islam, Ullmann, M. , Leiden, (1972)
Die Seele und ihre seistigen Krafte Darstellung und philosophie-geschichtlicher Hintergrieng im K. Ikhwan as-Safa., Diwald, Susanne. , Oxford, p.PAGES: Pp. 49-61, (1972)
Fr&he Ismailiya und Fatimiden im Lichte der `Risalat Iftitah ad-Da'wa', Nagel, Tilman. , Bonn, p.SERIES: Banner Orientalistische Studien n.s ; VOLUME: no. XXIII., (1972)
Hazara Integration into the Afghan Nation., Cantfield, Robert L. , New York, p.SERIES: Occasional Paper No. 3, (1972)
Kitab Ikhtilaf Usuli'l-Madhahib' of Qadi Nu'man b. Muhammad. Ed., Lokhandwalla, S. T. , Simla, p.PAGES: 140 pp., (1972)
La `Risalat-al Imama' de Nasir al Din Tusi, Scarcia Amoretti, B. , p.SERIES: R.S.O. ; PAGES: 247-274, (1972)
La réponse ismaélienne à la polémique d'Al Ghazali: Le `Damigh al-Batil' du Ve Da'i Yéménite (XIIe s.),, Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: E.P.H.E. Annuaire, (1972)
La Transmission du Hadith en Syrie à l'époque fatimide, Bianquis, Thierry. , p.SERIES: B.E.O. ; VOLUME: XXV, (1972)
L'administration financière de l'armée fatimide d'après al Mukhrunu, Cahen, Claude. , p.SERIES: JESHO ; VOLUME: XV ; PAGES: 163-182, (1972)
Le Si'isme au IXe s. à travers l'histoire de Ya'qubi, Marquet, Yves. , p.SERIES: Arabica ; VOLUME: XIX ; PAGES: 1-45, 101-138, (1972)
L'Egypte vue par un géographe arabe du IV/Xe siècle: Al-Muqaddasi, Miquel, A. , p.SERIES: A.I. ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 109-139, (1972)
Les cycles de la souveraineté selon les épitres des Ikhwan al Safa, Marquet, Yves. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXXVI ; PAGES: 49-79, (1972)
Les relations entre Fatimides d'Ifriqiya et Omeyyades d'Espagne à travers le Diwan d'Ibn Hani., Yalaqui, M. , p.PAGES: Pp. 13-30, (1972)
Manuel de généalogie et de chronologie pour l'histoire de l'Islam, Zambaur, Eduard von. , Hannover, Osnabr&ck, p.SERIES: Bad Pymont: Orientbuchhandlung Heinz Lafaire ; PAGES: Chapter on Fatimids and Batinites, (1972)
Muslim Exploitation of West African Gold during the Period of the Fatimid Caliphate., Messier, R. Albert. , p.PAGES: 226 pp., (1972)
Notes on some Isma'ili Coins from Yemen, Bates, Michael L. , p.SERIES: Amer. Num. Soc. Mus. Notes ; VOLUME: XVIII ; PAGES: 149-162, (1972)
Satpanth Ismailism and Modern Changes within It; with Special Reference to East Africa., Esmail, A. , (1972)
The Bohras of East Africa, Amiji, Hatim. , p.SERIES: Journal of Religion in Africa ; VOLUME: VII/1 ; PAGES: 27-61, (1972)
The Order of Assassins: The Psychology of Murder, Wilson, Colin. , London, p.PAGES: 242 pp., (1972)
The Fatimid Caliphate and the Isma'ili Da'wa from the Appointment of Musta'li to the Suppression of the Dynasty., Ladak, Akbar. , (1972)
The Nizari Ismaili Traditions in Hind and Sind, Nanji, Azim. , p.PAGES: 316 pp., (1972)
The Politics of Innovation and Integration: a Political Study of the Druze Community in Israel., Ben-Dor, Gabriel. , p.PAGES: 430 pp., (1972)
The Reign of the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir bi'Allah: a Discussion of the al-Onaprigi Account Given in the `Itti'az al-Hunafa'., Kessler, P. E. , (1972)
Catalogue of Khojki Manuscripts in the Collection of the Ismailia Assoc. for Pakistan., Nooraly, Z. , Karachi, (1971)    Download:  Z NOORALLY KHOJKI CATALOG-small.pdf 
Cairo : 1001 of the City Victorious - Review, Anonymous , (1971)
Ajdabiyah and the Earliest Fatimid Architecture, Blake, H.; Hutt; and Whitehouse. , p.SERIES: Libya antiqua ; VOLUME: VIII ; PAGES: p.105-120, (1971)
Al Hakim bi Amrillah, an Essay in Historical Reinterpretation., Makarem, Sami Nasib. , p.PAGES: p.229-230, (1971)
Al-Tirmidhi's Theory of Gnosis, Geyoushi, M. I. , p.SERIES: I.Q. ; VOLUME: XV ; PAGES: 164-188, (1971)
Assassins of Syria and Isma'ilis of Persia., Lewis, Bernard. , Rome, p.PAGES: Pp. 573-584, (1971)
Assassins., Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: E.B., (1971)
Bibliography of the Publications of the Late W. Ivanow, Daftry, Farhad. , p.SERIES: I.C ; VOLUME: XLV ; PAGES: 55-67, (1971)
Catalogue des monnaies fatimides., Launois, A. , Damascus, p.SERIES: I.F.D. ; VOLUME: Vol. XXIV, (1971)
Cairo: 1001 Years of the City Victorious, Abu-Lughod, J. , Princeton, (1971)
En Islam iranien, Corbin, Henri. , Paris, p.VOLUME: vols. 1-4, (1971)
Histoire des doctrines secrètes, Marques-Rivière, Jean. , Paris, p.PAGES: pp. 273-278, (1971)
Ismaili Faith, Ceremonies and Customs., Alibhai Aziz, Abualy. , (1971)
Ismaili Faith, Ceremonies and Customs., Alibhai Aziz, Abualy. , (1971)
India and East Africa, Gregory, R. G. , Oxford, (1971)
Le `Livre de Bilawar et Budasf', selon la version arabe ismaélienne. Collection Hautes Etudes Islamiques et Orientales d'Histoire Comparée, Gimaret, Daniel. , Paris and Geneva, p.SERIES: Collection Hautes Etudes Islamiques et Orientales d'Histoire Comparée, IVe Section de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, (1971)
L'homme de lumière dans le soufisme iranien, Corbin, Henri. , Paris, p.PAGES: Pp. 56, 164n, 180-181, (1971)
L'Ismaélisme yéménite: l'oeuvre d'Idris Imadoddin (Xve siècle), Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: E.P.H.E. Annuaire, (1971)
Modernism in the Teachings of the Aga Khan and Ameer Ali's `The Spirit of Islam'., Thobani, P. V. , (1971)
Paysans et institutions féodales chez les Druzes et les Maronites du Liban du XVIIe siècle à 1914, Tuma, Tawfiq. , Beirut, p.VOLUME: 2 vols. ; PAGES: 862 pp., (1971)
Shah Diz of Ismaili Fame: Its Siege and Destruction, Minasian, C. O. , p.PAGES: Pp. 71, (1971) Abstract
The Gnostic Technical Language in Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa., Widengren, Geo. , Leiden, p.SERIES: In Acta IV Congresso de Estudo Arabes et Islamico ; PAGES: Pp. 181-203, (1971)
The Ismailis in Tanzania: A Weberian Analysis, Bocock, R. S. , p.SERIES: B.J.S. ; PAGES: 365-380, (1971)
The Logic of Ta'wil in Ismaili Philosophy and Thought., Makan, Nizar. , (1971)
The Yamani Ismaili Dai Hatim b. Ibrahim al Hamidi (d. 596 A.H./1199 A.D.) and his Book `Tuhfat al Qulub',, Hamdani, Abbas. , p.SERIES: Proc. 27th Intern. Cong. Or. ; PAGES: 270-272, (1971)
The Aga Khans, Frischauer, Willi. , London, p.PAGES: 285 pp., (1970)    Download:  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part1.pdf  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part2.pdf  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part3.pdf  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part4.pdf 
The Nizari Ismaili Community in East Africa., Nanji, Azim. , p.PAGES: 15 pp., (1970)    Download:  node-29243-The Nizari Ismaili community in East Africa 1970 by Nanji. A.pdf 
Ali b. Muhammad al-Wali dai Mutlaq des Ismailiens du Yémen, Poonawala, Ismail K. , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: pp.10-102, (1970)
A History of Islamic Philosophy, Fakhry, Majid. , New York, p.SERIES: Columbia University Press ; PAGES: 427 pp., (1970)
Al Hakim bi Amrillah's Appointment of his Successor, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , p.SERIES: Al-Abhath ; VOLUME: XXIII ; PAGES: p.319-325, (1970)
Al Qadi An-Nu'man: al Urjuza al-Mutahara, Poonawala, Ismail K. , Montréal, (1970)
Aspects of Fatimid Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXXI ; PAGES: 81-91, (1970)
Compendium of Fatimid Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: S.I. XXXIII ; VOLUME: no. 3 ; PAGES: 626-627, (1970)
Ein Fr&her Bericht &ber den Aufstand von Muhammad b. Abdullah, Nagel, Tilman. , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: 249, (1970)
Fatimids, Watt, W. Montgomery. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: Encyclopaedia Americana II ; PAGES: p. 50, (1970)
Introduction to Ismailism, Hamawi, Khodr. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 110 pp., (1970)
Le Vieux de la Montagne., Daraul, A. , Paris, p.PAGES: Pp. 9-42, (1970)
L'ésotérisme et le Verbe ou l'Initiation ismaélienne, Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: Eranos Jahrbuch ; VOLUME: XXIX ; PAGES: 41-142, (1970)
L'initiation ismaélienne (Kitab al Alim Wa'l Gholam), IV/Xe siècle., Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: E.P.H.E. Annuaire ; PAGES: 311-356, (1970)
Medieval Ceramic Oil Lamps from Fustat, Kubiak, W. B. , p.SERIES: Ars Orientalis ; VOLUME: VIII ; PAGES: 1-18, (1970)
Notes sur les origines de la communauté syrienne des Nusairis, Cahen, Claude. , p.SERIES: R.E.I. ; VOLUME: XXXVIII ; PAGES: 243-249, (1970)
Nasir al-Din Tussi: His Alleged Role in the Fall of Bagdad, Hairi, A. , Brussels, p.SERIES: Correspondence d'Orient ; VOLUME: XI, (1970)
Note on the Imam Shahi Ms. at the Deccan College, Poona,, Khakee, Gulshan. , Bombay, p.PAGES: 143-155, (1970)
Science and Civilisation in Islam, Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. , Cambridge/New York, (1970)
Sidelights on Early Imamate Doctrine, Watt, W. Montgomery. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXXI ; PAGES: 287-293, (1970)
Some Aspects of the History of Libya During the Fatimid Period., Hamdani, Abbas. , Beirut, p.PAGES: Pp. 321-348, (1970)
Trois traités ismaéliens yéménites. 1. Ibrahim al-Hosayn al Hamidi; 2. Ali ibn Mohammad ibn al-Walid., Feki, Habib. , p.SERIES: Thèse de Lettres ; PAGES: 330 and 66 pp., (1970)
The Ismailis of Syria, Ghaleb, Moustafa. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 173 pp., (1970)
The Jews in Egypt and Palestine under the Fatimids, Mann, J. , New York, (1970)
The Fatimid Caliphate: 386-487 A.H./996-1094 A.D., Bashir, B. I. , London, p.SERIES: S.O.A.S., (1970)
Un proconsul fatimide en Syrie, Wiet, G. , p.SERIES: M.U.S.J. ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: 383-440, (1970)
Cairo - "From the Pages of Glorious Fatimid History", Unknown , 01/1969, (1969)
A Comparison of the Sunni Caliphate and the Shi'i Imamate, Farsakh, Andrea M. , (1969)    Download:  node-28713-the Caliphate and imamate by Andrea M.Farakh.pdf 
A Historical and Regional Atlas of the Arabic World: Map and Chronological Survey, Reichert, Rolf. , Rio de Janeiro, (1969)
A Petition to the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir Concerning a Conflict within the Jewish Community,, Stern, S. M. , (1969)
Administration under the Fatimids, Imamuddin, S. M. , Pakistan, p.VOLUME: XIV ; PAGES: p.253-269, (1969)
Ali b. Muhammad al-Walid da'i mutlaq des Ismailiens du Yémen, Tamir, Arif. , p.SERIES: XXXII ; VOLUME: no. 1 ; PAGES: pp.150-151, (1969)
Der Tamhid als Urkundenteil bei Fatimiden Ayyubiden und Mamluken, Hein, Horst-Adolf. , Wurzburg, p.PAGES: pp. 567-573., (1969)
Fatimid Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , Simla, (1969)
History of the Order of Assassins, Franzius, Enno. , New York, p.SERIES: American Historical Review LXXV ; VOLUME: no. 5, (1969)
Ismailis on Mainland Tanzania 1850-1948., Walji, Shirin R. A. , Madison, p.PAGES: 181 pp., (1969)
La survie des Isma'ilites à l'époque aiyubide (sic), Hassan Hissi, Salim. , Beirut, (1969)
Les sociétés secrètes, Alleau, René. , Paris, p.SERIES: Livre de Poche ; PAGES: pp. 216-219, (1969)
Neuere arabisch-sprachige Literatur &ber die Drusen, Ess, Josef van. , p.SERIES: Die Welt des Islam XII ; VOLUME: nos. 1-3 ; PAGES: 111-125, (1969)
Nasir-i Khusraw and His Spiritual Nisbah., Mohaghegh, Mehdi. , Tehran, p.PAGES: Pp. 143-148, (1969)
Notes on a Syrian Ismaili Manuscript, Mirzah, Nasseh A. , p.SERIES: Australian Bulletin of Comparative Religion ; VOLUME: IX ; PAGES: 59-60, (1969)
Quelques influences indiennes dans la rédaction de l'`Ummu'l Kitab', Filippani-Ronconi, Pio. , p.SERIES: Z.D.M.G. ; VOLUME: XVII ; PAGES: 767-775, (1969)
Some East African Firmans of H.H. Aga Khan III, King, N. Q.,; A. K. Adatia. , p.SERIES: J.R.A. ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 179-191, (1969)
The Asian Communities., Amiji, Hatim. , New York, p.PAGES: pp. 141-175, (1969)
The Hidden Imams of the Ismailis, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , p.SERIES: Al-Abhath ; VOLUME: XXI ; PAGES: 23-37, (1969)
The Asian Communities., Amiji, Hatim. , New York, p.PAGES: pp. 141-175, (1969)
The Revolt of Aga Khan Mahallati and the Transference of the Ismaili Imamate to India, Algar, Hamid. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXIX ; PAGES: 51-81, (1969)
The Doctrine of the Ismailis, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 85 pp., (1969)
The Druzes., Hirschberg. , Cambridge, p.SERIES: In Religion in the Middle East ; PAGES: pp. 330-348, (1969)
The Isma'ilis., Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , Cambridge, p.VOLUME: Vol. II: Islam ; PAGES: Pp. 318-319, (1969)
The Ismailites and the Assassins., Lewis, Bernard. , Madison, p.SERIES: I ; VOLUME: 2 vols. ; PAGES: 99-132, (1969)

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