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Journal Article
L'Ismaélisme yéménite: l'oeuvre d'Idris Imadoddin (Xve siècle), Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: E.P.H.E. Annuaire, (1971)
Paysans et institutions féodales chez les Druzes et les Maronites du Liban du XVIIe siècle à 1914, Tuma, Tawfiq. , Beirut, p.VOLUME: 2 vols. ; PAGES: 862 pp., (1971)
Shah Diz of Ismaili Fame: Its Siege and Destruction, Minasian, C. O. , p.PAGES: Pp. 71, (1971) Abstract
The Gnostic Technical Language in Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa., Widengren, Geo. , Leiden, p.SERIES: In Acta IV Congresso de Estudo Arabes et Islamico ; PAGES: Pp. 181-203, (1971)
The Ismailis in Tanzania: A Weberian Analysis, Bocock, R. S. , p.SERIES: B.J.S. ; PAGES: 365-380, (1971)
The Logic of Ta'wil in Ismaili Philosophy and Thought., Makan, Nizar. , (1971)
The Yamani Ismaili Dai Hatim b. Ibrahim al Hamidi (d. 596 A.H./1199 A.D.) and his Book `Tuhfat al Qulub',, Hamdani, Abbas. , p.SERIES: Proc. 27th Intern. Cong. Or. ; PAGES: 270-272, (1971)
Ali b. Muhammad al-Wali dai Mutlaq des Ismailiens du Yémen, Poonawala, Ismail K. , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: pp.10-102, (1970)
A History of Islamic Philosophy, Fakhry, Majid. , New York, p.SERIES: Columbia University Press ; PAGES: 427 pp., (1970)
Al Hakim bi Amrillah's Appointment of his Successor, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , p.SERIES: Al-Abhath ; VOLUME: XXIII ; PAGES: p.319-325, (1970)
Al Qadi An-Nu'man: al Urjuza al-Mutahara, Poonawala, Ismail K. , Montréal, (1970)
Aspects of Fatimid Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXXI ; PAGES: 81-91, (1970)
Compendium of Fatimid Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: S.I. XXXIII ; VOLUME: no. 3 ; PAGES: 626-627, (1970)
Ein Fr&her Bericht &ber den Aufstand von Muhammad b. Abdullah, Nagel, Tilman. , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: 249, (1970)
Fatimids, Watt, W. Montgomery. , p.SERIES: s.v. ; VOLUME: Encyclopaedia Americana II ; PAGES: p. 50, (1970)
Introduction to Ismailism, Hamawi, Khodr. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 110 pp., (1970)
Le Vieux de la Montagne., Daraul, A. , Paris, p.PAGES: Pp. 9-42, (1970)
L'ésotérisme et le Verbe ou l'Initiation ismaélienne, Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: Eranos Jahrbuch ; VOLUME: XXIX ; PAGES: 41-142, (1970)
L'initiation ismaélienne (Kitab al Alim Wa'l Gholam), IV/Xe siècle., Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: E.P.H.E. Annuaire ; PAGES: 311-356, (1970)
Medieval Ceramic Oil Lamps from Fustat, Kubiak, W. B. , p.SERIES: Ars Orientalis ; VOLUME: VIII ; PAGES: 1-18, (1970)
Notes sur les origines de la communauté syrienne des Nusairis, Cahen, Claude. , p.SERIES: R.E.I. ; VOLUME: XXXVIII ; PAGES: 243-249, (1970)
Nasir al-Din Tussi: His Alleged Role in the Fall of Bagdad, Hairi, A. , Brussels, p.SERIES: Correspondence d'Orient ; VOLUME: XI, (1970)
Note on the Imam Shahi Ms. at the Deccan College, Poona,, Khakee, Gulshan. , Bombay, p.PAGES: 143-155, (1970)
Science and Civilisation in Islam, Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. , Cambridge/New York, (1970)
Sidelights on Early Imamate Doctrine, Watt, W. Montgomery. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXXI ; PAGES: 287-293, (1970)
Some Aspects of the History of Libya During the Fatimid Period., Hamdani, Abbas. , Beirut, p.PAGES: Pp. 321-348, (1970)
Trois traités ismaéliens yéménites. 1. Ibrahim al-Hosayn al Hamidi; 2. Ali ibn Mohammad ibn al-Walid., Feki, Habib. , p.SERIES: Thèse de Lettres ; PAGES: 330 and 66 pp., (1970)
The Aga Khans, Frischauer, Willi. , London, p.PAGES: 285 pp., (1970)    Download:  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part1.pdf  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part2.pdf  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part3.pdf  The Aga Khans -- OCR-1_Part4.pdf 
The Ismailis of Syria, Ghaleb, Moustafa. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 173 pp., (1970)
The Jews in Egypt and Palestine under the Fatimids, Mann, J. , New York, (1970)
The Nizari Ismaili Community in East Africa., Nanji, Azim. , p.PAGES: 15 pp., (1970)    Download:  node-29243-The Nizari Ismaili community in East Africa 1970 by Nanji. A.pdf 
Un proconsul fatimide en Syrie, Wiet, G. , p.SERIES: M.U.S.J. ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: 383-440, (1970)
A Comparison of the Sunni Caliphate and the Shi'i Imamate, Farsakh, Andrea M. , (1969)    Download:  node-28713-the Caliphate and imamate by Andrea M.Farakh.pdf 
A Historical and Regional Atlas of the Arabic World: Map and Chronological Survey, Reichert, Rolf. , Rio de Janeiro, (1969)
A Petition to the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir Concerning a Conflict within the Jewish Community,, Stern, S. M. , (1969)
Administration under the Fatimids, Imamuddin, S. M. , Pakistan, p.VOLUME: XIV ; PAGES: p.253-269, (1969)
Ali b. Muhammad al-Walid da'i mutlaq des Ismailiens du Yémen, Tamir, Arif. , p.SERIES: XXXII ; VOLUME: no. 1 ; PAGES: pp.150-151, (1969)
Der Tamhid als Urkundenteil bei Fatimiden Ayyubiden und Mamluken, Hein, Horst-Adolf. , Wurzburg, p.PAGES: pp. 567-573., (1969)
Fatimid Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , Simla, (1969)
La survie des Isma'ilites à l'époque aiyubide (sic), Hassan Hissi, Salim. , Beirut, (1969)
Les sociétés secrètes, Alleau, René. , Paris, p.SERIES: Livre de Poche ; PAGES: pp. 216-219, (1969)
Neuere arabisch-sprachige Literatur &ber die Drusen, Ess, Josef van. , p.SERIES: Die Welt des Islam XII ; VOLUME: nos. 1-3 ; PAGES: 111-125, (1969)
Nasir-i Khusraw and His Spiritual Nisbah., Mohaghegh, Mehdi. , Tehran, p.PAGES: Pp. 143-148, (1969)
Notes on a Syrian Ismaili Manuscript, Mirzah, Nasseh A. , p.SERIES: Australian Bulletin of Comparative Religion ; VOLUME: IX ; PAGES: 59-60, (1969)
Quelques influences indiennes dans la rédaction de l'`Ummu'l Kitab', Filippani-Ronconi, Pio. , p.SERIES: Z.D.M.G. ; VOLUME: XVII ; PAGES: 767-775, (1969)
Some East African Firmans of H.H. Aga Khan III, King, N. Q.,; A. K. Adatia. , p.SERIES: J.R.A. ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 179-191, (1969)
The Asian Communities., Amiji, Hatim. , New York, p.PAGES: pp. 141-175, (1969)
The Hidden Imams of the Ismailis, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , p.SERIES: Al-Abhath ; VOLUME: XXI ; PAGES: 23-37, (1969)
The Asian Communities., Amiji, Hatim. , New York, p.PAGES: pp. 141-175, (1969)
The Revolt of Aga Khan Mahallati and the Transference of the Ismaili Imamate to India, Algar, Hamid. , p.SERIES: S.I. ; VOLUME: XXIX ; PAGES: 51-81, (1969)
The Doctrine of the Ismailis, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 85 pp., (1969)
The Druzes., Hirschberg. , Cambridge, p.SERIES: In Religion in the Middle East ; PAGES: pp. 330-348, (1969)
The Isma'ilis., Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , Cambridge, p.VOLUME: Vol. II: Islam ; PAGES: Pp. 318-319, (1969)
The Ismailites and the Assassins., Lewis, Bernard. , Madison, p.SERIES: I ; VOLUME: 2 vols. ; PAGES: 99-132, (1969)
Zerstritlene Drusenscheiche, Ess, Josef van. , p.SERIES: Die Welt des Islam XII ; VOLUME: nos. 1-3 ; PAGES: 99-111, (1969)
An Investigation into the Language Used of a Number of Ismaili Students., Jetha, A. , Nairobi, (1968)
Assassins of Qain, Willey, Peter. , p.SERIES: XL ; PAGES: pp. 1294-1303, (1968)
Collected Papers on the Paranormal, Beshir , New York, p.PAGES: Pp. 1-11, (1968)
Des Ikhwan al Safa à al Hagg Umar marabout et conquérant Toucouleur, Marquet, Yves. , p.SERIES: Arabica XV ; VOLUME: XVI, no. 1 ; PAGES: pp.6-47, 88-90, (1968)    Download:  NODE 28097.pdf 
Filosofiia Nasiriddina Tussi, Dinorshoev, M. , Dushanbe, p.SERIES: SSR, (1968)
Fustat and the Islamic Art of Egypt, Scanlon, G. T. , p.VOLUME: Archeology XXI ; PAGES: 188-195, (1968)
L'aventure tragique d'un Qadi maghrébien en Egypte fatimide, Vajda, G. , p.SERIES: Arabica ; VOLUME: XV ; PAGES: pp.1-15, (1968)    Download:  NODE 28360.pdf 
Muslims: an Early Fatimid Ceramist, Jenkins, M. , p.SERIES: Bull. Met. Mus. Art. n.s. ; VOLUME: XXVI ; PAGES: 359-369, (1968)
Proposed Introduction to the History of Ismailism in East Africa., King, N. Q.,; A. K. Adatia. , Kampala, (1968)
Quelques mots sur les Hilaliens et Nomadisme, Cahen, Claude. , p.SERIES: JESHO ; VOLUME: IX ; PAGES: pp. 87-101, (1968)    Download:  NODE 28487.pdf 
Role of the Late Aga Khan as a Leader of the Muslims of the Subcontinent in the Political Field, Alidina, Sherali. , p.PAGES: pp. 125 ff., (1968) Abstract
Role of the Late Aga Khan as a Leader of the Muslims of the Subcontinent in the Political Field, Alidina, Sherali. , p.PAGES: pp. 125 ff., (1968) Abstract
Some Aspects of Islamic Eschatology, Taylor, J. , p.SERIES: Religious Studies IV ; PAGES: 57-76, (1968)
The Assassins: a Radical Sect in Islam, Lewis, Bernard. , New York; London, p.PAGES: 168 pp., (1968)
The Assassins in Quhistan, Willey, Peter. , p.SERIES: RCAJ ; VOLUME: LV ; PAGES: 180-183, (1968)    Download:  node-29113-the assassins in quhistan by P.R.E.Willey.pdf 
The Indians in Uganda, Morris, H. S. , London, p.PAGES: Pp. 77-90, (1968)
The Ismaili State., Hodgson, Marshall G. S. , Cambridge, p.SERIES: he Cambridge History of Iran V ; PAGES: Pp. 422-482, (1968)
A Shi'a Collection of Divine Traditions, Rob, E. D. , (1967)
Bemerkungen zur Imamitischen Firaq Literatur, Madelung, Wilferd. , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XLIII ; PAGES: 37-52, (1967)
Der Geheimbund von Alamut: Legende und Wirklichkeit, Gelpke, R. , p.SERIES: Antaios VIII ; VOLUME: no. 3 ; PAGES: 269-293, (1967)
Further Expeditions to the Valleys of the Assassins, Willey, Peter. , p.SERIES: RCAJ ; VOLUME: LIV ; PAGES: 156-162, (1967)    Download:  node-28916Further ExpeditionsTo The Valleys Of The Assassins by PREWilley.pdf 
Histoire de l'Afrique, Abu-Dinar, Ibn. , Tunis, (1967)
Histoire de l'Ordre des Assassins, Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von. , Paris, (1967)
Ideals and Realities of Islam, Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. , New York, p.SERIES: Books that Matter ; PAGES: Pp. 170-171, (1967)
Islamic Law and Ismaili Communities, Lokhandwalla, S. T. , p.SERIES: nd. Econ. Soc. Hist. Rev. IV ; PAGES: 155-176, (1967)
L'Art de l'Islam, Otto-Dorn, Katharina. , Paris, p.PAGES: pp. 106-117, (1967)
Le mythe de la catastrophe hilalienne, Poncet, J. , p.SERIES: Annales ESC ; VOLUME: XXII ; PAGES: 1099-1120, (1967)
Pir and Murshid: An Aspect of Religious Leadership in West Pakistan, Mayer, A. , p.SERIES: MES III ; PAGES: 160-169, (1967)
Some Considerations on the Fatimid Caliphate as a Mediterranean Power., Hamdani, Abbas. , Naples, p.PAGES: Pp. 385-396, (1967)
The Philosophical Significance of the Imam in Ismailism, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , p.SERIES: Studia Islamica ; VOLUME: XXVII ; PAGES: 41-53, (1967)
The Alid Ruler of Tabaristan, Daylaman, Gilan., Madelung, Wilferd. , Ravello, p.PAGES: Pp. 483-492, (1967)
The Fatimid-Abbasid Conflict in India, Hamdani, Abbas. , p.SERIES: I.C. ; VOLUME: XLI ; PAGES: 185-191, (1967)
The Fatimids., Clifford, E. , Edinburgh, p.SERIES: he Islamic Dynasties ; PAGES: Pp. 46 ff., (1967)
The History of India as Told by its Own Historians, El-Sioufi , London, p.VOLUME: 2 vols., (1967)
Un médecin obstétricien et pédiatre à l'époque des premiers Fatimides du Caire, Dagorn, René. , p.SERIES: MIDEO ; VOLUME: IX ; PAGES: 73-119, (1967)
Abu Firas: `Ash-Shafiya' -- An Isma'ili Treatise, Makarem, Sami Nasib. , Beirut, p.PAGES: 260 pp., (1966)
Additions to the above, Goitein, Solomon D. , p.SERIES: J.E.S.H.O. ; VOLUME: IX ; PAGES: 67-68, (1966)
An Approach to the Emergence of Heterodoxy in Medieval Islam, Taylor, J. , p.SERIES: II ; VOLUME: no. 2 ; PAGES: 197-210, (1966)
Government, Society and Economic Life under the Abbasids and Fatimids., Lewis, Bernard. , p.VOLUME: no. 1 ; PAGES: 638 ff., (1966)
Kamal al-Din's Biography of Rashid al-Din Sinan, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: Arabica XIII ; PAGES: 225-267, (1966)
Les épitres des `Frères Sincères: une imago mundi', Bauwens, Jan. , p.SERIES: Acta Orientalia Belgica ; VOLUME: X ; PAGES: 17-18, (1966)
Qazi Noaman's Code of Conduct of the Followers of Imam, Muscati, Jawad. , Mombasa, (1966)
The Origins of the Druze People and Religion, with Extracts from their Sacred Writings, Hitti, Philip. , New York, p.SERIES: Columbia University Oriental Studies ; VOLUME: XXVII ; PAGES: 81 pp., (1966)
Ummu'l Kitab, Filippani-Ronconi, Pio. , Naples, p.PAGES: 301 pp., (1966)
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fyzee Collection of Ismaili Manuscripts, Gorianwala, Mu'izz. , Bombay, p.PAGES: 172 pp., (1965)

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