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Nosiri Khisrau i ego vzglyadi na poetzu, Berthels, E. , p.SERIES: otd. obshchestv. nauk. vip. ; VOLUME: IV ; PAGES: 139-153, (1953)
Nasir Khosraw: `Kitab-e Jami'al Hikmatain', Corbin, Henri. , Tehran and Paris, p.SERIES: Bibl. Iran. ; VOLUME: Vol. 3a ; PAGES: French, 147 pp.; Persian, 450 pp., (1953)
Sur le retour des Zirides à l'obédiance fatimide, Idris, Hady Roger. , p.SERIES: A.I.E.O. ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 25-39, (1953)
Saladin and the Assassins, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: B.S.O.A.S. ; VOLUME: XV ; PAGES: 239-245, (1953)
The Fatimids and the Route to India, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: R.F.S.E. ; VOLUME: XIV ; PAGES: 50-54, (1953)
The Shia of India, Hollister, J. N. , London, p.PAGES: Nizari Imam: pp. 300 ff.; Khojas: pp. 339-412., (1953)
Un céramiste de l'époque fatimide, Wiet, G. , p.SERIES: J.A. ; VOLUME: CCXLI, (1953)
Un texte peu connu relatif au commerce oriental d'Amalfi au Xe siècle, Cahen, Claude. , p.SERIES: Archivo Storico per la Province Napoletane n.s. ; VOLUME: XXXIV ; PAGES: pp.1-8, (1953)
H. H. The Aga Khan, Greenwall, Harry. , London, p.PAGES: ix é 240 pp., (1952)    Download:  NODE 28652.pdf 
La procession du nouvel an chez les Fatimides, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: X ; PAGES: 364-398, (1952)    Download:  NODE 28182.pdf 
L'autobiographie d'un chambellan du Mahdi Obeidallah le Fatimide, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: Hespéris ; VOLUME: XXXIX ; PAGES: 270-329, (1952)    Download:  NODE 28359.pdf 
Le temps cyclique dans le Mazdéisme et dans l'Ismaélisme, Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: Eranos Jahrbuch ; VOLUME: XX ; PAGES: 149-217, (1952)    Download:  NODE 28386.pdf 
The Aga Khan: Prince, Prophet, and Sportsman, Jackson, Stanley. , London, p.PAGES: 240 pp., (1952)    Download:  NODE 28691 1er partie.pdf  NODE 28691 2eme partie.pdf  NODE 28691 3eme partie.pdf 
The Ismailis of Syria Today, Lewis, Norman. , p.SERIES: J.C.A.S. LII ; PAGES: 69-77, (1952)    Download:  node-29219-The Ismailis of Syria Today, JCAS (1952).pdf 
Brief Survey of the Evolution of Ismailism, Ivanow, Wladimir. , Leiden, p.SERIES: Ismaili Society Series B, 7, (1952)
Catalogue of Dated Tiraz Fabrics: Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid., Kuhnel, E.,; L. Bellinger. , Washington, (1952)
Druze History, Massey, F. , (1952)
Geschichte der Philosophie, Ueberweg. , Graz, (1952)
Ikhwan al Safa, Danechpajouh, M. T. , p.SERIES: Mihr ; VOLUME: VIII ; PAGES: 353-357, 605-610, 709-714, (1952)
Khisrov Nosir, Spor s bogom, Adalis, A. , Moscow, p.PAGES: Pp. 259-261, (1952)
Kitab al-Kashf, Strothmann, Rudolf. , Oxford, (1952)
Quatres dinars du khalife fatimite al-Mountazar li-amr-illah ou bi-amr-illah, Balog, B. , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: XXXIII ; PAGES: 375-378, (1952)
The Muslim Architecture of Egypt, Cresswell, K. A. C. , Oxford, p.VOLUME: Vol. I: Ikhsids and Fatimids, A.D. 937-1171, (1952)
The Sources for the History of the Syrian Assassins, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: Speculum ; VOLUME: XXVII ; PAGES: 475-489, (1952)
Two Fatimid Tapestry Roundels, Shepherd, D. G. , p.SERIES: Bull. Cleveland Museum of Art ; VOLUME: XXXIX ; PAGES: 215-217, (1952)
Un traité financier inédit d'époque fatimide-ayyubide, Cahen, Claude. , p.SERIES: JESHO ; VOLUME: V ; PAGES: 139-159, (1952)
Contribution to the Study of the Fatimid History in Egypt during the Last 12 years, Hassan, H. I. , p.SERIES: B.F.A. XIII ; VOLUME: no. 1 ; PAGES: 129-140, (1951)
Fatimids Coins in the Collection of the University Museum, Philadelphia, and The Numismatic Society, Miles, George C. , New York, p.SERIES: Numismatic Notes and Monographs ; VOLUME: CXXI ; PAGES: 52 pp, (1951)
Histoire de la dynastie des Hamdanides de Jazira et de Syrie., Canard, Marius. , Algiers and Paris, (1951)
Institutions et cérémonial des Fatimides en Egypte, Magued, A. M. , Paris, p.PAGES: 441 pp., (1951)
Khisrou Nosir Aforizmi [Nasir-i Khusraw, aphorisms]., Petrovikh, M. , Moscow, p.PAGES: Pp. 265-269, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, Druzhba, Selvinskii, I., transl. , p.SERIES: In Tajikskaya poezia LXXI ; VOLUME: no. 2. ; PAGES: Pp. 257-258, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, Khvala remeslennikam, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Stalinabad, Moscow, p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia ; VOLUME: LXVIII/LXIX ; PAGES: P. 255, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, Khvala zemledeltsam, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Stalinabad, Moscow, p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LIX ; PAGES: P. 256, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie rostovshchikam, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Stalinabad, Moscow, p.SERIES: Takikskaya poezia LXVI ; PAGES: Pp. 252-253, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie svyatocham, Selvinskii, I., transl. , p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXV/LXVI ; PAGES: Pp. 252-253, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie tzaryam i vlast imushchim, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Stalinabad, Moscow, p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXVII/LXVIII ; PAGES: Pp. 254-255, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, Yazik, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Stalinabad, Moscow, p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXXIII ; PAGES: P. 259, (1951)
Khisrou Nosir, Znanie, Selvinskii, I., transl. , p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXX, (1951)
Khisrov Nosir, Dvulichie, Adalis, A. , Moscow, p.PAGES: P. 259, (1951)
Khisrov Nosir, O razume i prosveschenii, Adalis, A. , Moscow, p.PAGES: Pp. 261-263, (1951)
Khisrov Nosir, V teni chinari tikva podrosla, Adalis, A. , p.PAGES: P. 264 & P.297, (1951)
Khisrov Nosir, Vot vzmil orel s visokikh skal, Adalis, A. , p.SERIES: Encyclopaedia americana ; VOLUME: XV ; PAGES: P. 264 & P.297, (1951)
La vie quotidienne des musulmans au moyen âge, Xe au XIIIe siècle., Mazaheri, Aly. , Paris, (1951)
Le cérémonial des Fatimides, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: 22e Cong. Oriental ; VOLUME: I, II ; PAGES: p. 546, (1951)
Le cérémonial fatimide et le cérémonial byzantin--Essais de comparaison, Canard, Marius. , p.SERIES: Byzantion ; VOLUME: XXI ; PAGES: 355-420, (1951)
Notes sur quelques monnaies fatimites, Troussel, M. , p.SERIES: Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société Historique et Géographique de Constantine ; VOLUME: LXX, (1951)
Naval Power and Trade in the Mediterranean, Lewis, A. R. , Princeton, p.SERIES: The Disruptive Role of the Fatimids ; PAGES: pp. 259-262, (1951)
Rituel sabéen et exégèse ismaélienne du rituel, Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: Eranos Jahrbuch XIX ; PAGES: 181-246, (1951)
The Early Seljuq Period from the Rise of Tughril Beg till the Death of Malik Shah Including the Origin of the Order of the Assassins., Brown, E. G. , Cambridge, p.SERIES: In Literary History of Persia ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 165 ff., (1951)
The Succession of the Fatimid Imam al-Amir, the Claims of the Later Fatimids to the Imamate and the Rise of Tayyibi Ismailism,, Stern, S. M. , p.SERIES: Oriens ; VOLUME: IV ; PAGES: 193-255, (1951)
The Origins of Isma'ili Law., Lokhandwalla, S. T. , (1951)
Epistle of the Fatimid Caliph Al-Amir (`Al-Hidaya Al Amiriyya'--Its Date and Its Purpose), Stern, S. M. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 20-31, (1950)
A Note on the Fatimid Jurist Nu'man and his Book: The Pillars of Islam, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , (1950)
An Embassy of the Byzantine Emperor to the Fatimid Caliph Al Mu'izz, Stern, S. M. , p.SERIES: Byzantion ; VOLUME: XX ; PAGES: 239-258, (1950)
Etudes numismatiques de l'Egypte musulmane, Balog, B. , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: XXXIII; XXXIV; XXXV ; PAGES: 1-42; 17-55; 401-429, (1950)
Ikhwan al-Safa, Al-Masumi, M. , p.SERIES: Islamic Lit. ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: pp. 5-13, (1950)
Les Druzes, Burton, N. , (1950)
La fonction de juge suprême dans l'état fatimide en Egypte, Magued, A. M. , p.SERIES: Egypte Contemp. ; VOLUME: CCXCV ; PAGES: 45-56, (1950)
Life and Lectures of Al Muayyad fid-din al Shirazi, Muscati, Jawad. , Karachi, Pakistan, p.PAGES: 183 pp., (1950)
Le `Livre du Glorieux' de Jabir ibn Hayyan, Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: Eranos Jahrbuch ; VOLUME: XVIII ; PAGES: 47-114, (1950)
Religion-Partein und Philosophen Schulen, Sharastani, Abdul-Fath Muhammed al-. , p.SERIES: On Ismailis, 1 ; PAGES: 193, (1950)
Sefername, Tarzi, A. , Istanbul, p.SERIES: Milli egitim basimevi, (1950)
Sirat of al-Mu'ayyad fid Din al Shirazi., Hamdani, Abbas. , London, p.SERIES: S.O.A.S., (1950)
Tasawurrat. By Nasiru'd-din Tusi., Ivanow, Wladimir.; Nasiru'd-din Tusi , Leiden, p.SERIES: Ismaili Society Series A ; VOLUME: 4 ; PAGES: 249 pp., (1950)
The Ansayri and the Assassins, with Travels in the Further East, Walpole, F. , London, (1950)
Theory of Matter and Spirit and its Influence on the Egyptian Poetry of the Fatimid Period, Muscati, Jawad. , p.SERIES: Islamic Culture ; VOLUME: XXIII ; PAGES: 108-116, (1950)
Kashf al Mahjub, Corbin, Henri. , Tehran and Paris, p.PAGES: 25 é 115 pp., (1949)    Download:  NODE 28151.pdf 
Six Chapters or `Shish Fasl' (by Nasir Khusraw), Ivanow, Wladimir. Vladimir , Leiden, p.SERIES: Ismaili Society Series B ; VOLUME: 6 ; PAGES: xvi and 111 and 47 pp., (1949) Abstract    Download:  NODE 28253 hd.pdf 
Apparition prématurée de l'écriture nashky sur un dinar de l'Imam fatimite al-Moustaly-billah, Balog, B. , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: XXXI ; PAGES: 181-185, (1949)
Isma'ili Propaganda and Fatimid Rule in Sind, Stern, S. M. , p.SERIES: I.C. ; VOLUME: XXIII/XXIV ; PAGES: 289-307, (1949)
Khisrou Nosir, Dobrodetel, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Moscow, p.SERIES: In Tajikskaya poezia LXX ; VOLUME: no. 1 Stalinabad ; PAGES: P. 257, (1949)
Khisrou Nosir, Drug i nedrug, Selvinskii, I., transl. , p.SERIES: In Tajikskaya poezia LXXI ; PAGES: P. 258, (1949)
Khisrou Nosir, V poritsanie poetam panegiristam, Selvinskii, I., transl. , Stalinabad, p.SERIES: Tajikskaya poezia LXVII, (1949)
Le récit d'initiation et l'hermétisme en Iran (Recherches angéologiques), Corbin, Henri. , p.SERIES: Eranos Jahrbuch ; VOLUME: XVII ; PAGES: 121-187, (1949)
Noms bibliques dans la mythologie ismaélienne, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: J.A. ; VOLUME: CCXXXVII ; PAGES: 249-255, (1949)
The Troubadours and the Assassins, Chambers, F. M. , p.SERIES: Modern Languages Notes XIV ; VOLUME: no. 1 ; PAGES: 245-251, (1949)
Die Ismailiten., Strothmann, Rudolf. , Berlin, p.PAGES: Pp. 101-103, (1948)
Islamic Textiles, Sergeant. , p.SERIES: Ars Islamica ; VOLUME: XIII-XIV ; PAGES: 110 ff., (1948)
Ismaili Notes, Lewis, Bernard. , p.SERIES: B.S.O.A.S. ; VOLUME: XII ; PAGES: 597-600, (1948)
Kleinere Ismailitische Schriften., Strothmann, Rudolf. , Calcutta, p.SERIES: n Islamic Research Association Miscellany I ; VOLUME: I.R.A. ; PAGES: P. 143, (1948)
L'esprit critique des `Frères de la Pureté', Awwa, Adil. , Beirut, p.SERIES: Encyclopédistes arabes du IVe/Xe siècle, (1948)
Nasir-i Khusraw and Ismailism, Ivanow, Wladimir. , Bombay, p.SERIES: Ismaili Society Series B ; VOLUME: 5, (1948)
Notices of some Copies of the Arabic Work entitled Rasayil Ikhwan al Safa, Sprenger, A. , p.SERIES: J.A.S.B. ; VOLUME: XVII ; PAGES: 183-203, (1948)
Relation between the Fatimids in North Africa and the Omayyads in Spain during the 4th Cent. A.H., Hassan, H. I. , p.SERIES: B.F.A. X ; VOLUME: no. 2 ; PAGES: 39-83, (1948)
Sathpanth., Ivanow, Wladimir. , Leiden, p.SERIES: smaili Society Series A ; VOLUME: 2 ; PAGES: Pp. 1-54, (1948)
Some Specimens of Sathpanth Literature, Hooda, Vali Mahomed. , Leiden, p.SERIES: Collectanae I ; PAGES: Pp. 57-137, (1948)
The Fatimids and the Umayyads in the IVth Century of the Hijra (Xth Cent. A.D.)., Hassan, H. I. , Paris, p.SERIES: Actes XXIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, (1948)
La `Sirat Jafar al Hajib', contribution à l'histoire des Fatimides,, Gateau, Albert. , p.SERIES: Hespéris ; VOLUME: XXXIV ; PAGES: 375-396, (1947)    Download:  NODE 28155.pdf 
On the Recognition of the Imam or `Fasl dar Bayan-i Shinakht i Imam', Ivanow, Wladimir. , Bombay, p.SERIES: Ismaili Society Series B ; VOLUME: II, (1947) Abstract
A Ministry of Propaganda under the Fatimids, Barghuthy, Amar Saleh . , (1947)
A Ministry of Propaganda under the Fatimids, Barghuthy, Amar Saleh . , (1947)
Additional Notes to the Authorship of the Epistles of the Ikhwan al Safa, Stern, S. M. , p.VOLUME: I.C.XXI ; PAGES: p.403-404, (1947)
Khosrav Nasiri, Strela i orlinoe pero, Adalis, A. , Moscow, p.SERIES: Khrestomatia po literature parodov ; VOLUME: SSSR ; PAGES: Pp. 44-45, (1947)
Khosrav Nasiri, V Poritsanie poetam, Adalis, A. , Moscow, p.SERIES: Khrestomatia po literature parodov ; VOLUME: SSSR ; PAGES: Pp. 44-45, (1947)
Khosrov Nasiri, O trude zemledeltsa, Krimski, A. E. , Moscow, p.SERIES: Khrestomatia po literature narodov ; VOLUME: SSSR ; PAGES: P. 45, (1947)
Nathanael ben al-Fayyumi et la théologie ismaélienne., Pines, Shlomo. , Cairo, p.SERIES: Etudes historiques juives ; PAGES: pp.5-22, (1947)
The Devil's Delusion, Jauzi, al-. , p.SERIES: I.C. ; VOLUME: I, IX ; PAGES: 535-557, (1947)
The Old Man of the Mountain, Novel, C. , p.SERIES: Speculum ; VOLUME: XXII ; PAGES: 497 ff., (1947)
The Priest in Ismailism, Calverley, E. E. , p.SERIES: M.W. ; VOLUME: XXXVII ; PAGES: 80 ff., (1947)

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