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Journal Article
Fatimid Woodwork its Style and Chronology, Lamm, C. J. , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: XVIII ; PAGES: 59-91., (1935)
Ismaili Laws and its Founders, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: I.C. ; VOLUME: IX ; PAGES: 107-112, (1935)    Download:  node-28969-Ismaili Law and Its Founder, Asaf A. A. Fyzee.pdf 
Kalami Pir, Ivanow, Wladimir. , Bombay, p.SERIES: I.R.A. series ; VOLUME: no. 4, (1935)
Les `Controverses' de Fakhr al-Din Razi, Kraus, Paul . , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: XVIII/XIX ; PAGES: 187-214, (1935)
Les figures d'hommes et de bêtes dans les bois sculptés d'époque fatimide conservées au Musée arabe du Caire. Etude d'iconographie musulmane, Marçais, G. , p.SERIES: Mélanges Maspero ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 241-257, (1935)
Moslim Schisms and Sects, Halkin. , Tel-Aviv, p.PAGES: Chap. XVII, (1935)
Materials for an Ismaili Bibliography: 1920-1934, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: J.B.B.R.A.S. n.s. ; VOLUME: XI ; PAGES: 59-65, (1935)
Textes Druzes, Ferghali,M. , p.SERIES: Mélanges Maspéro ; VOLUME: III ; PAGES: 83-96, (1935)
The Ismailis or Maulais of the Hindu Kush, Nasrul Mulk, S. T. , p.SERIES: R.C.A.J. ; VOLUME: XXII ; PAGES: 641-645, (1935)    Download:  node-29220-The Ismailies or Maulais of the Hindu Kush, by Nasr-ul-Mulk.pdf 
The Origin of the Bohras, Nadvi, Syed Abu Zafar. , p.SERIES: I.C. ; VOLUME: XIX ; PAGES: 638-644, (1935)
Tissus fatimides du Musée Bénaki, Combe, E. , p.SERIES: Mélange Maspéro ; VOLUME: III ; PAGES: 259-272, (1935)
Trois minarets fatimides à la frontière nubienne, Hawary, H. M. , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: XVIII ; PAGES: 141-153, (1935)
A Chronological List of the Imams and Da'is of the Musta'lian Ismailis, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , (1934)
An Ancient Copy of the `Da'a'imu'l Islam', Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 127-133, (1934)    Download:  node-28816-The Book of Faith (Da'aim al Islam of Qadi Nu'man).pdf 
Jemenischen Ismailitentum nach univer*ffentlichten Polemiken,, Strothmann, Rudolf. , p.SERIES: ZDMG ; VOLUME: LXXXVIII ; PAGES: 32 ff., (1934)
Muslim Colonies in India before the Muslim Conquest, Nadvi, Syed Abu Zafar. , p.SERIES: I.C. ; VOLUME: VIII ; PAGES: 609-620, (1934)
Qadi an Nu'man the Fatimid Jurist and Author, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: pp.1-32, (1934)
The Valleys of the Assassins, Stark, Freya. , London, (1934)    Download:  node-29304-The Valley Of The Assassins By P.R.E,Willey.pdf 
A Guide to Ismaili Literature, Ivanow, Wladimir. , London, (1933)
A Legendary History of the Bohras, Jhaveri, K. M. , (1933)
An Abbreviated Version of the Diwan of Khakhi Khorassani, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: I.R.A. series ; VOLUME: no.2., (1933)
Beitrage zur Islamischen Ketzergeschichte: Das `Kitab az-Zumurrid' des Ibn ar-Rawandi, Kraus, Paul . , p.SERIES: R.S.O. XIV ; PAGES: 335-379, (1933)
By Hill Tracks, Niallo, Aziz. , Tashkent, p.PAGES: 156 pp., (1933)
History of Philosophy In Islam, Boer, T. J. de. , London, p.PAGES: Pp. 81-96, (1933)
Ismaili Literature: A Bibliographical Survey, Ivanow, Wladimir. , Tehran, p.SERIES: Ismaili Society Series A ; VOLUME: 14 ; PAGES: xiv and 245 pp., (1933)
Majalis' de al Mu'ayyad fid din as Shirazi, Kraus, Paul . , (1933)
Nasir-i Khosrov: Kniga puteschestviya, Berthels, E.; Berthels, A. E. (transl.) , Leningrad, (1933)
Notes on some Ismaili Manuscripts, Tritton, A. S. , p.SERIES: B.S.O.A.S. ; VOLUME: VII ; PAGES: pp. 33-39, (1933)
The `True Meaning of Religion', Ivanow, Wladimir. , London, (1933)
The Letters of Al-Mustansirbillah, Hamdani, Husayn F. al-. , p.SERIES: B.S.O.A.S. ; VOLUME: VII ; PAGES: 307-324, (1933)
The Psychology of Nasir-i-Khusrov, Mutazid, Wali-ur-Rahman. , p.SERIES: Journal of the Osmania University College I ; PAGES: 61-87, (1933)
The Shi'ite Religion, Donaldson, D. , London, (1933)
Two Early Ismaili Treatises, Ivanow, Wladimir. , Bombay, p.SERIES: I.R.A. series, no. 2 ; PAGES: Pp. 9-64, (1933)
An Ismaili Interpretation of the `Gulshani Raz', Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: J.B.B.R.A.S. n.s. ; VOLUME: VIII ; PAGES: 69-78, (1932)
History of the Ismaili Da'wa and its Literature during the Last Phase of the Fatimid Empire, Hamdani, Husayn F. al-. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 126-136, 281-300, (1932)
La Bibliographie Ismaélienne de Ivanow, Kraus, Paul . , p.SERIES: R.E.I. ; VOLUME: VI ; PAGES: 483-490, (1932)    Download:  NODE 28157.pdf 
Le Christ dans les évangiles selon al-Ghazali, Massignon, Louis. , p.SERIES: R.E.I. ; VOLUME: VI ; PAGES: p. 535, (1932)
Notes sur l'`Ummu'l Kitab' des Ismaéliens de l'Asie Centrale, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: R.E.I. ; VOLUME: VI ; PAGES: 419-481, (1932)    Download:  NODE 28468.pdf 
Rasail Ikhwan al Safa' in the Literature of the Isma'ili Tayyibi Da'wa, Hamdani, Husayn F. al-. , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XX ; PAGES: 281-300, (1932)
Sirat Ja'far al Hajib, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: Egypt IV ; VOLUME: no. 2, (1932)
Songs of the Druzes, Saarisalo, Aapeli. , p.SERIES: Studia Orientalia IV ; VOLUME: no. 1, (1932)
The Assassins Castle of Lambesar, Stark, Freya. , p.SERIES: Journal LXXX ; PAGES: 47-56, (1932)
The Ismaili Law of Muta'a - Ismaili Law of Wills., Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: J.B.B.R.A.S. ; VOLUME: XXXIII, XXXIV ; PAGES: 85-92; 30-32. 0449.; 89 ff., (1932)
W. Ivanow als Berichtersersttatter, Hadank, H. , p.SERIES: Acta Orientalia X ; PAGES: 294, (1932)
Zu den Schriftzitaten al-Kirmani's (Von Paul Kraus), Baumstark, A. , p.SERIES: Der Islam XX ; PAGES: 308-313, (1932)
A Fatimid coin-die, Mayer, L. A. , (1931)
A treatise on the Carmatians in the Kitab al-Muntazam of Ibn al-Jauzi, Somogyi, J. de. , (1931)
Alamut, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: Geographical Journal ; VOLUME: LXXVII ; PAGES: p.38-45, (1931)
An Ismailitic Work by Nasiru'd-din Tussi, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 527-564, (1931)
Durgah Case., Kher, G. S. , Burhanpur, (1931)
Introduction to the Study of Mahomedan Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , London, p.PAGES: Pp. 30-38, (1931)
Les bois sculptés jusqu'à l'époque ayyubide, Pauty, E. , Cairo, (1931)
The Dynastic History of Northern India, Ray, H. , Calcutta, p.PAGES: ch. 1, (1931)
The Life and Times of the Queen Saiyidah Arwa - The Sulayhid of the Yeman, Hamdani, Husayn F. al-. , p.SERIES: J.R.C.A.S. ; VOLUME: XVIII ; PAGES: 505 ff., (1931)
The Tale of Three Schoolfellows, Bowen, H. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 771 ff., (1931)
Bois sculptés d'églises coptes (époque fatimide), Pauty, E. , Cairo, (1930)
Dritter Jahresbericht mit einer wissenschaftlichen Beilage der Zusammenbruch der Dschabir-Legende, Kraus, Paul,; J. Ruska. , Berlin, (1930)
Dschabir Ibn Hajjan und die Isma'ilijja, Kraus, Paul . , p.PAGES: 23-42, (1930)
Hebraische und Syrische Zitate in Ismailitischen Schriften, Kraus, Paul . , p.SERIES: Der Islam ; VOLUME: XIX ; PAGES: 243-263, (1930)
Islamische Seidenstoffe der Fatimidenzeit, Schmid, H. , p.SERIES: Zeitschrift f&r bildende Kunst ; VOLUME: LXIV ; PAGES: 185 ff., (1930)
Indian Islam, Titus, M. T. , p.PAGES: pp. 101-104, (1930)
Les Druzes, histoire du Liban et de la montagne Hauranaise, Bouron, Capitaine N. , (1930)
Shughnansko-izmailitskaya redaktsiya `Knigi Svieta' Nasir-i Khosrova, Semenov, A. , p.PAGES: 589-610, (1930)
The Account of the Ismaili Doctrines in the `Jami al Tawarikh' of Rashid al-Din, Levy, R. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 509-536, 151, (1930)    Download:  NODE 29105.pdf 
The Agha Khan, Shellabear, W. G. , p.SERIES: M.W. ; VOLUME: XX ; PAGES: 311-312, (1930)
The Druzes of Lebanon, Thompson, O. H. , p.SERIES: M.W. ; VOLUME: XX ; PAGES: 270-285, (1930)
Uber einige Privatbibliotheken im fatimidischen Aegypten, Meyerhof, M. , p.SERIES: R.S.O. ; VOLUME: XII ; PAGES: 286-289, (1930)
Un cachet du khalife fatimide As-Zahir, Buikov, A. A. , p.SERIES: Z.K.U. ; VOLUME: V ; PAGES: 201 ff., (1930)
Bequests to Heirs: Ismaili Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: J.B.B.R.A.S. ; VOLUME: CXLI ; PAGES: 84-87, (1929)
Four Egypto-Islamic Carved Panels, Aga-Oglu, M. , p.SERIES: Bull. Detroit Institute of Art ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 28-31, (1929)
Four Egypto-Islamic Carved Panels, Aga-Oglu, M. , p.SERIES: Bull. Detroit Institute of Art ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 28-31, (1929)
Ismailitskiy panegirik obozhestvlennomn Aliyu Fedai Khorasanskogo, Semenov, A. , Iran, p.VOLUME: III ; PAGES: 51-70, (1929)
Poids fatimides en verre polychrome, Jungfleisch, M. , p.SERIES: B.I.E. ; VOLUME: X ; PAGES: 19-31, (1929)
Recueil de textes inédits concernant l'histoire de la mystique en pays d'Islam, Massignon, Louis. , Paris, p.PAGES: Pp. 215-217, (1929)
Studies in Isma'ili Law, Fyzee, Asaf A. A. , p.SERIES: Bombay Law Reporter Journal ; VOLUME: XXXI ; PAGES: 84-87, (1929)
The Foreign Policy of Egypt under the Fatimids, Gibb, Hamilton A. R. , p.SERIES: Oostersch Genoots in Nederland ; VOLUME: 6de Cong ; PAGES: 17-18, (1929)
Hassan-i Sabbah and the Assassins, Lockhart, L. , p.SERIES: B.S.O.A.S. ; VOLUME: V ; PAGES: 675-696, (1928)
Ismailitskaya oda, posviashchennaya voploshcheniyam `Aliya-Boga, Semenov, A. , Iran, p.VOLUME: II ; PAGES: pp.1-24, (1928)
Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion, Barthold, W.; Transl. T. Minorsky , London, p.PAGES: 483/1190; 377/987, (1928)
Catéchisme à l'usage des Druzes djahels, Regnoult. , p.SERIES: BSG ; VOLUME: VII ; PAGES: ff.22, (1927)
L'Université d'El Azhar et ses transformations, Secaly, A. , p.SERIES: R.E.I. ; PAGES: 95-116, 465-529; 47-167, 255-337, 401-471, (1927)
Trad. de Ibn Fad'l Allah al-'Omari: `Mâsalik al-abçar'., Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice. , Paris, p.SERIES: Bibl. des Géogr. arabes ; VOLUME: no. 2, (1927)
Vzglyad na Koran v vostochnom ismailizm, Semenov, A. , p.SERIES: Iran I ; PAGES: 59-72, (1927)
Abu Tammam and Ibn Hani, Dewhurst, R. P. , (1926)
Die zw*lfter-Shià: zwei religionsgeschichte Charakterbild aus der Mongolenzeit, Strothmann, Rudolf. , Leipzig, (1926)
Dans la montagne des Druses, Bordeaux, Henry. , Paris, (1926)
Dastur Nama, Berthels, E. , p.PAGES: 37-104, (1926)
Diwan of Poems in Praise of the Fatimids, Hani, Ibn. , p.SERIES: J.R.A.S. ; PAGES: 629-642, (1926)
History of the Assassins, Oswald, Charles Wood. , Benares, p.PAGES: 304 pp., (1926)
K Dogmatike Pamirskogo Ismailizma, Semenov, A. , Tashkent, p.SERIES: XI glava 'Litsa verui' Nasir-i Khosrova, (1926) Abstract
Protivorechiya v ucheniyi o pereseleniyi dush u Pamirskikh ismailitov i u Nasiri Khosrova, Semenov, A. , p.PAGES: 103-117, (1926)
The Old Man of the Mountains, Luke, H. C. , p.SERIES: J.C.A.S. ; VOLUME: XIII ; PAGES: 331-349, (1926)
Fatimid Wood-carvings in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Christie, A. H. , p.SERIES: Burl. M. ; VOLUME: XLVI ; PAGES: 184-187, (1925)
Numismatica e Storia dell' Africa del Nord, Cimino, Guido. , p.SERIES: Rivista Coloniale XX ; VOLUME: no. 4 ; PAGES: pp. 347-353, (1925)
Death of Nizam al Mulk, Houtsma, M. Th. , p.SERIES: ser. 3 ; VOLUME: II ; PAGES: 147, (1924)
K biografii Nasiri Khosrova, Semenov, A. , p.SERIES: Bulleten Sredne-Aziatskogo Posudarsvennogs III ; PAGES: 64-66, (1924)
Polemics on the Origin of the Fatimid Caliphate, Mamour, Prince P. H. , London/Karachi, p.PAGES: 232 pp., (1924)    Download:  NODE 29049.pdf 
Imam Ismail, Ivanow, Wladimir. , p.SERIES: J.A.S.B. ; VOLUME: n.s. XIX ; PAGES: 305-310, (1923)
Les Penseurs de l'Islam, Vaux, B. Carra de. , Paris, p.VOLUME: Vol. IV: Ikhwan al-Safa, (1923)
Le Jardin de Hassan., Barrès, Maurice. , Paris, (1923)

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