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Encyclopaedia of Ismailism by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin

The word manzila means rank. The Prophet took march for military operations to Tabuk during the month of Rajab of the 9th year after Hijra. He departed from Medina heading an army of 25000 soldiers aiming at the borders of Jordan. He left Ali bin Abu Talib to take his place in Medina. Ali said to the Prophet, "Do you leave me with the children and the women?" The Prophet said, "Are you not satisfied to be to me like Aaron was to Moses, except that there shall be no prophet after me." (Bukhari, 6:3, Ibn Majah, 1:45, Tirmizi, 5:302, Masnad, 1:131, Mustadrak, 3:133, Ibn Hisham, 2:172, etc.)

The Prophet uttered the analogy between Ali and Aaron on many occasions as well. For instance, Umm Salim, the wife of Abu Ayub Ansari reported that the Prophet told her, "Umm Salim, the flesh of Ali is from my flesh and his blood is from my blood, and he is to me like Aaron to Moses." (vide, Kanzul Ummal, 5:32 by al-Muffaqi al-Hindi, etc.)

It indicates that the above hadith of the analogy gives Ali all the offices of Aaron except the prophethood. Aaron was the brother of Moses and his minister. The Koran states that Moses prayed to God, saying: "And give me a minister from my family: Aaron, my brother. Add to my strength through him" (20:24-31).

It is interesting to note that the Prophet had appointed temporary deputies during the following campaigns:-

Abu Lubabah was appointed in Medina when he left to the battle of Badr.

Ibn Arfatah when the Prophet left for Dumat al-Jandal.

Ibn Om Maktum during the operations against Banu Quraidah and Banu Lihyan.

Abu Tharr during the operations against Banu al-Mustalaq.

Numeila during the time of battle of Khaibar.

Ibn al-Adbat during Omrat al-Qada.

Abu Rahman during the conquest of Mecca.

Abu Dujana during the farewell pilgrimage.

The Prophet never said to any one of these temporary deputies what he had spoken of Ali bin Abu Talib: "You are to me like Aaron to Moses."

The Sunni writers believe that the Prophet appointed Ali as his deputy over Medina only during Prophet's expedition to Tabuk, but there is no evidence that Ali was deposed on the Prophet's return. Besides, if the Prophet's statement merely meant for the time of his absence from Medina, then there was no reason for him to add, "except that there shall be no prophet after me." This addition clearly indicates that the Prophet meant his permanent appointment over the Muslims.

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