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Afghan Ismaili a cabinate Minister

Ya Ali Madad!

Dear All Ismaili Spiritual Brothers and Sisters ,

This is a good news that Afghan President Mr Ashraf Ghani Candidate an Afghan Ismaili as one of his Cabinet Minister.

New Faces Versus Old Structures: Afghanistan’s national unity cabinet (amended)

Labour, Martyrs, Disabled & Social Affairs: Sayed Sadat Naderi (AG)

Sayed Sadat Naderi is the son of the religious leader of one of the main branches of the Afghan Ismaili sect and former militia commander allied with the PDPA (and after 1992 the ‘Northern Alliance’), Sayed Mansur Naderi, also known as Sayed-e Kayyan. (The family’s headquarter is in the Kayyan valley of Baghlan.) Sadat Naderi has a BA in Economics/International Business from the University of London (1999). According to Tolonews, he was on the board of the Afghan central bank. He is also the chairman of Afghan Gold and CEO of SMN Investments, a privately held group of companies active in nearly all of Afghanistan’s main economic sectors – including fuel import and storage, construction, precious metals and gems, security, property dealing, advertising, supermarkets and insurance (also providing coverage for the Aynak Copper Mine). Sadat Naderi was awarded the 2012 Peace through Commerce award by the United States Department of Commerce.

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