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thanks for spreading message.

Your message play key role for rehabilitation of the jamat in Hunza.it is a immense disaster no body are certain what will be happen ,but one thing is very crutial , the rehabilitation of thousands of Jamat is a challenge for all of us. it was not happened like this ever before here, but now about 70,000 people are facing problem of Food, shelter, education of childern , uncertain about their future, unemployment and other social issues. forward this message to those who are in your contact and appeal them to come forward and get action against this national disaster, thousands of jamat are in a big trouble this time. add your food , colthing,and other article, even cash is very helpfull to survive youngers, elders,and women. who can't do some thing.
here is NGO , which is organized by village young people for ten years.
khair abad student welfare organization
contact: 03453266367

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