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Congratulations! For Creating A Dynamic Ismaili Web Site.

Hi ! Ya Ali Madat to all Ismailies in the world. We are so lucky to have Mowla's guidance all through the last 1500 years!
Allahuma Sali Allah Muhamadinan Wa Alleh Muhamad!

I just found this wonderful enlightening Ismaili Web Site and am thrilled going through it. This is great news for the Ismailies living in all parts of the world. It allows all Jamaat to communicate with each other and never be far from knowledge of our history...past and present. Love the charming historic pictures of our Imams and their families. This is just the beginning.... the future of this site is very bright.... the Sun has just started to smile on the Ismaili Spiritual Empire.

All Ismailies should be aware of this site and benefit from the vast information about our religion and history. Ismaili youth should devote their I.T. expertise to this site and help improve it tremendously. Spread the knowledge you have to benefit all our Jamaat.... all 25,000,000 Ismailies. Sharing and caring has never been easier with the advent of the internet. Knowledge is Power. Return the gift of your intellect to rest of the Ismaili world. We are all brothers and sisters. Intelligence is a Blessing from Allah! Spread it ...let it multiply! This site's motto is to enlighten the Ismailies everywhere on this earth. To help the needy and show the straight path to our youth.

Using this modern tool to guide and benefit our super modern Ismailies; appealing their voluntary participation; requesting them to give their precious time to improve this site; networking with other Ismailies and spreading the message... are a few goals of Ismaili.net .

I am so happy and proud of this auspicious beginning....the Star War years are coming... imagine how Prophet Mohamad & his desciples spread the word of Allah in the stone age period.... what we can do with all the communication multi media tools we possess! With Mowla's Ever-Lasting Blessings... we will succeed in improving the lot of modern Ismailies... Physicaly, Mentally, Spiritually, Socially and all other ways conceivable. Not forgetting Politically and Financially.

My prayers are for total success for this project. More Power & Health to all the pioneers. May Hazar Imam Bless all the Ismailies in this Universe!

With Best Regards & Love,

Sadru Jasani
Granada Hills, California, USA.

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