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Kuala Lumpur Jamatkhana , Malaysia


16 Road 5Lorong Tiong Nam Lima
Kuala Lumpur

Correct address as of Jan 23, 2010 is:

8 Jalan Taban
Taman Lucky
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Proper address of Kaula Lampur Jamat Khana

Ya Ali Madad,

I am planning to come to Kaula Lampur in September. Since it is my first visit to Malaysia, I would like to get the telephone number of the Mukhi or Kamadia Sahebs of Kaula Lampur Jamatkhana. I would appreciate if someone could provide me the proper address of jamat khana and also the prayers timings. During my visit, I would also like to meet the members of Economic Planning Board of that jamat khana.

Please contact me as soon as you can.

Many thanks,

Hassan Ali
Email: hassanalisamnani [at] yahoo.com

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