Welcome to F.I.E.L.D.- the First Ismaili Electronic Library and Database.

Kelowna Jamatkhana, British Comumbia, Canada


Please verify as the info may have changed.

946 Purcell drive
Kelowna BC

Mukhianima: Yasmin Gillani, cell 250-317-8510 (cell),
Or cell 250-864-8786
Kamadianima: Shenaz Lila, 780-885-0694 (cell)

daily jk


Daily JK

We have daily JK
at 946 Purcell drive
Kelowna BC
Mukhianima: Yasmin Gillani, cell 250-317-8510 (cell),
Or cell 250-864-8786
Kamadianima: Shenaz Lila, 780-885-0694 (cell)
Please feel free to come or call for any other inquires
Ya ali madad

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