Welcome to F.I.E.L.D.- the First Ismaili Electronic Library and Database.

Kingston Jamatkhana, Ontario, Canada


(613) 549-2774
105 Sutherland Drive, Unit #7,
Kingston, Ontario


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Time by Fayza (not verified)
Visiting Kingston by Farzana (not verified)
Baitul ilm Classes by Ali (not verified)
Is this the location for Khushali tomorrow as well by Farhana Alarakhiya (not verified)
Is this khane closed? by Jena (not verified)
Baitul Ilm classes by Hameeda (not verified)
Kingston Khane Address and telephone by Nilofer (not verified)
is this # correct? by Mehmood (not verified)
Jamat by Rehman Sayani (not verified)

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