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Paachhamathee Shaahaanaa Dall Aavashe - Translation


ejee paachhamathee shaahaa naa dall aavashe,

ane ja(n)pu deep mee(n)jaareeyaajee...............................1

The army of the Lord will arrive from the west and will reside in the Indian Sub-continent.

ejee veerchaa te shahermaa(n) avatareeyaa,

maaraa reekheesarnaa daataareeyaajee..............................2

The Saviour of my deovotees has manifested in the city of Virchaa.

ejee u(n)chee chaddu(n)re u(n)chee chaddu(n),

jou(n) maaraa satgurnee vaattaddeeyaajee..........................3

I climb high, I climb high to await the arrival of my True Guide.

ejee konn aaveeyaa ne konn aavashe,

ane konn te aavann haareeyaajee...................................4

Who has come and who will come and who will be coming in future.

ejee peer sadardeen aaveeyaa, ane peer kabeerdeen aavashe;

peer eemaamadeen aavannahaareeyaajee..............................5

Peer Sadardeen has come, Peer Kabeerdeen will come and Peer Imamdeen will be coming.

ejee konn ghodde ne konn haatheeye,

ane konn te turee(n)g tokhaareeyaajee.............................6

Who will be on the horse and who will be on the elephant and who will be on the horse playing music.

ejee peer sadardeen ghodde, peer kabeerdeen haathee-e;

peer imaamdeen turee(n)g to khaareeyaajee.........................7

Peer Sadardeen will be on the horse, Peer Kabeerdeen will be on the elephant and Peer Imamdeen will play music on a horse.

ejee maaro saamee raajo betthaa paalakheeye,

upar chaudees chamar ddhallaayaajee...............................8

My Majestic Lord is seated on a palanquin and all over it there are glittering decorations.

ejee du(n)gar upar deraddee,

teeyaa(n) vase chhe kanak sonaareeyaajee..........................9

Upon the hill is a temple(or a camp) in which resides a gold smith.

ejee sonee ghadde shaahaanee mu(n)daree,

ane maataajeeno nav lakho haareeyaajee...........................10

The goldsmith fashions the Lord's mundaree(earrings) and mother's necklace worth nine lakh units.

ejee peer sadardeen boleeyaa

maaraa moman bhaaee rahejo husheeyaareeyaajee....................11

Peer Sadardeen has spoken, "My momin brothers remain intelligent."

Heritage Society Collection

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