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Copyright Lawsuit: Defenses Glorifying the Aga Khan filed in federal Court - 2010-04-29

Thursday, 2010, April 29
Heritage News

In a surprisingly rapid twist of events, both Mr Tajdin and Mr Jiwa have filed their respective statements of Defense this 29th of April 2010. They affirm to being devoted followers who will unconditionally abide by the wishes of the Aga Khan, whom they glorify in their defense.

Mr Tajdin declares that:

He has not been served yet but the ethics imposed upon him by his faith demands that he should not keep in ignorance the public by being silent on the issue and should clarify all of the facts, pertaining to this lawsuit, of which he is aware.

He reaffirms his allegiance to the Aga Khan, is willing to submit to any of his wishes, and is ready to surrender himself and all his possessions to the Imam.

He has been printing Farman books since 1992 with approval and instructions from the Imam received on August 15, 1992 in Montreal.

He has not received any communication from the Imam from 1992 to 2009 instructing him to stop publication.

He cannot stop publication without instruction from the Imam as this would be a breach of his oath of allegiance to the Imam.

All Farman publications were financial deficit projects done as a volunteer service and large numbers of books were distributed free of charge.

Farman sharing is a historic Ismaili tradition which still continues today.

The current Ismaili Constitution does not restrict the right to publish Farmans

Mr Tajdin concludes that:

He has no choice but to await further direct instructions from the Imam.

He reaffirms his allegiance to the Aga Khan, is willing to submit to any of His wishes, and is ready to surrender himself and all his possessions to the Imam.

Mr Jiwa states that:

"This action does not appear to have been authorized personally by the Aga Khan .."

"In distributing Farman books obtained from Tajdin to other Ismailis, he has not violated either the Ismaili Constitution or any Farmans"

He has not violated the copyright act as "Tajdin was given express authority by the Imam" and regardless of the fact that "the limitations period provided for by the Copyright Act also bars this action as the books containing the Farmans were commenced publication in the year 1992", he will still do whatever the Imam tells him to do.

Mr Jiwa clarifies finances:

He "obtains these books for C$50.00 and sells them for C$50.00 or gives them free, without any profit.

"All monies received by him from the sale of (other) books after 2005 were delivered to the Jamatkhanas"

Mr Jiwa further states that:

"If the Imam edited the Farman before releasing to the Jamats, in effect he is superceding the Farman he made orally previously."

He "unconditionally reconfirms his oath of allegiance to his Imam" and "if the Imam does not desire his Farman books to be distributed to the Jamats (...) this defendant will submit to the instructions of His Imam without reservation whatsoever"

Replies From the Plaintiff are due within 10 days, and Affidavits of Documents are due 30 days later.

[Update from May 6: Ogilvy Renault, the law firm which launched the case has asked for an extension of 15 days to reply to the Defense. They claim delays due to breakdown of email servers, blackberry communication, travel of senior lawyer, time difference with Paris etc...The more delays in this file, the more damage it creates to the reputation of the Ismaili community, the Imam and the defendants. It is to the advantage of all parties that this case be withdrawn from the courts.]

[Update from June 22: Defendants have filed a Motion for summary Judgement to have the case dismissed.]

[Update from September 5:
Online Book that gathers court materials as well as articles that are currently available for the ongoing 2010 Lawsuit:

Copyright Lawsuit 2010: Online Book of All available Materials
News on cross-examinations:
Copyright Lawsuit: CROSS_EXAMINATIONS Table of Contents - 2010-09-04
Latest Development
Copyright Lawsuit: Imam Appears for Discovery and Ends the Case - 2010-10-15
As users are asking to read the letters from Nagib and Alnaz on the court docket, the latest have been attached on the following link:
A. Various Court Filings

Revised Factums have been posted Here:
2010-11-29 Summary Judgment : Plaintiffs Revised Combined Factums of Reply and of Motion
2010-11-29 Summary Judgment: Defendants' Revised Factums of Motion and of Reply

There has been proven fraud in the recent past in the Aga Khan's domain by the Aga Khan's agents:
Aga Khan Lawsuit: Fraud at Aga Khan Studs - 2000-02-22

2011-05-25: A Jamati Member who has never met the Defendants volunteered as his brotherly duty to pay the $30,000 that was demanded in the Plaintiff''s submissions and that was accordingly ordered by the judge.
Read the full details of the $30,000 payment directly to H.H. The Aga Khan.

2011-06-16: The Appeal Memorandum of Fact and Law against the Summary Judgment has been filed in court by the defendants on June 16th, 2011.
Read the Full Appeal Memorandum of Fact and Law

Link to Court Docket Case T-514-10
Link to Court Docket Appeal A-60-11
Link to Court Docket Appeal A-59-11
Link to Court Docket Appeal A-156-13

Latest News Comments

Tajdin Defence Apr 29.10.pdf491.02 KB
Jiwa AK Defence Apr 29.10.pdf543.82 KB


Imamat Day Mumbaraki

Nous sommes ce 11 juillet 2012 !
Imamat Day Mumbaraki!

En ce jour anniversaire du 55 eme Imamat Day, essayons de faire éclore nos profondes aspirations et faisons des efforts pour qu'elles se réalisent! Que peux t-on souhaiter pour tous les Frères et Sœurs Ismaélis à travers le monde si troublé ?

Restons ensemble et allons-y en y mettant tout notre cœur et toute notre volonté ! "Ouvrez grand votre cœur pour recevoir le Noor"! N’est ce pas ! Pourquoi est-il si important de former des collectivités spirituelles pendant cette célébration ? Réfléchissons sur une image : les ingénieurs construisent des centrales électriques très puissantes grâce auxquelles ils peuvent alimenter en énergie des régions entières. Eh bien, une collectivité spirituelle est comparable à une centrale : elle peut donner de l’énergie pour projeter Son Noor très loin dans l’espace et sans doute sur notre intellect!

Et faisons en sorte, que par nos prières, nos paroles, nos actions et gestes.... nos cerveaux et notre Intellect soient de véritables batteries ! Il faut seulement les unir et les mettre en contact avec une idée divine : les courants qu’ils projetteront seront reçus par une quantité d’autres cerveaux dans le monde qui décideront eux aussi de travailler pour cette idée. Laquelle? La Rencontre sublime avec Son Noor! Nous devons prier, méditer, réciter nos Ginans, nos Khasidas ensemble pour chanter Ses Louanges, Sa Miséricorde....Et, sûrement, nous allons nous rendre compte des possibilités immenses que nous donnent toutes ces activités pour le bien de l’humanité entière, pour le bien de tous nos frères et soeurs Ismailis du monde entier.... Et surtout, ce sera l'occasion par ces prières en congrégation de devenir conscients que l'on fait un travail, un pas en avant pour que le Noor de Mowlana soit reçu par le plus grand nombre possible de cerveaux sur la terre et soit une réalité spirituelle, bhatinie pour nous tous !

Quelle conversation avec Mowlana Hazar Imam durant la première lueur du ce jour béni?
Par sa Grâce et Sa Miséricorde, nous puissions accéder par approche bhatinie et que nous apprenions à contempler Son Aura, Son Humanisme, Son Noor... que le monde entier découvre et ne cesse d’admirer!

Et Disons Lui, tout humblement: « Oh Mon Mowla, laisse moi T'approcher, Te découvrir! je ne Te connais pas bien encore! Je sais, bien sûr, que Tu es Clément, Miséricordieux. Je comprends que Tu nous montres le chemin de la vérité, de la perfection, de la plénitude. Par le Bhayat je suis devenu Ton enfant spirituel, et que Tu nous distribues chaque jour tes Farmans, Ta Lumière et Ton amour. Et je Te promets que je ferais des efforts pour suivre Tes Farmans...

Je veux être Ton Murid, Farman Bardari. Bien sûr, je prendrais mon tasbih, et je mettrais Ton image, Tes pensées dans mon esprit comme un idéal, parce que je suis convaincu que c’est justement ce qui agit sur moi, me rend serein, courageux, humble, généreux, tolérant et me renforce , me transforme sur la Voie du Siratal- Mustaquim!
Oui, Mon Mowla, fais que je m'imprègne de cette vérité. Et que sous Tes Directives, Ta protection, je reste sur le chemin du progrès équilibré du Diyn et du Dounia et que je sois animé de ce désir de toujours aller de l’avant, et que Ta perfection soit pour moi l'idéal à atteindre! Ameen et Ya Ali Madat,
mohez nato

Ps : je dédie ces pensées et ces prières particulièrement à Nagib, Alnaz, leurs familles et tous mes frères et sœurs ismailis qui ont de la peine en ce moment avec les tournures de ce lawsuit !
Kanize, encore de l’aide ! Merci

These are words of good wishes for the jamat and the people posting here, especially those who are sad on the way this lawsuit has been conducted

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