Religion and Identity

The Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India Cambridge

The Aga Khan Case straddles several disciplinary boundaries, including history, textual analysis, religious studies, and anthropology. Her ambition is to examine change in religious tradition through legal and historical textual analysis. She traces the transformation of the Khoja Satpanth (true path) from an Indic “dissonant” Islam at the beginning of the nineteenth century to a modern, reformist, and sectarian (or what she calls “identitarian”) Islam in the middle years of the twentieth century.

The Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India

Publication Type  Article
Year of Publication  2012
Date Published  2012
Authors  Purohit, Teena
Original Publication  Asian Ethnology 73/1–2 • 2014

The Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012. 183 pages.
Hardcover, $45.00/£33.95/€40.50. isbn 978-0-674-06639-7.

Key Words  Aga Khan Case; Religion and Identity; Colonial India