
(Madina c.626- Karbala 680) The central symbolic religious figure of Shi'i Islam; third Imam; second son of Ali. Husayn's historical importance was limited until his martyrdom at Karbala in 680, as he had little power to exercise. Husayn had a claim on the position as Caliph, and several traditions tell that he had been promised to take over after Caliph Mu'awiyya, at his death. When Mu'awiyya died in 680, and he had appointed Yazid, his son, Husayn decided to listen to all those voices that had invoked him to action against the Ummawiyy rulers of Syria.
Husayn was at the time stationed in Madina, together with a small group of his followers. Husayn received many letters from inhabitants of Kufa in Iraq, so he sent his cousin Muslim Ibn Aqil to Kufa. He wrote back confirming that there were thousands of supporters for Husayn. But Muslim was soon after captured, and executed by the governor of Iraq, 'Ubaid Allah. 'Ubaid Allah set out posts all along the road from Madina to Kufa. Unknowing that his situation was strongly deteriorating, Husayn himself set out on the journey to Kufa, with a following of 70 men, women and children. Even when he clearly saw that Ummawiyy- troops were checking out every movement of his, he continued, and after 10 days he and his group were halted by 'Ubaid Allah's 4,000 troops at Karbala, less than 50 km from Kufa.
What happened right here is the central happening in most Shi'is. Rounded in, the group of Husayn could not move on. What happened appears not to have been ordered by Caliph Yazid, nor according to his will. After Husayn and his group were cut off from water, without bending, a regular battle started, but due to the difference in strength, quickly turned into a massacre. Husayn was wounded several places, and died slowly with his son in his hands.
Even if the majority of traditions appears to present Yazid as treating the rest of the group with much respect, providing for their needs, and bringing them safely back to Madina, Shi'i texts present Yazid as a brutal and degenerated ruler.
The happenings at Karbala, as well as the ten days leading up to it, are remembered in the celebrations of the month of Muharram. The religious texts connected to the martyrdom of Husayn, is believed to be strongly influenced by Christian texts, and bears much resemblance with the passion of Christ. Husayn is given a key to Paradise, and this is to be used on the last day, but only for those that have mourned over Husayn's death during the ceremonies in Muharram.