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NUM: 272
MOT: HAYYAN, JABIR IBN.-                                                                                                                                                    
CD : N
DEF: (2e/8e S). (né en 730). Geber de l'Occident. Elève de Imam
     Jafar Sadiq. Illustre alchimiste et auteur de 3000 traités
     dont la "Balance des lettres". Paul Kraus*

WORD: HAYYAN, JABIR IBN.-                                                                                                                                                    
CD : N
DEF: (2nd/8th Century). (born in  730 AD). Called Geber in the West. Was the pupil of Imam
     Jafar Sadiq. Famous alchinist and author of 3,000 works including the "Balance of Letters" 
     sv. Paul     Kraus.*

Updated: 21 March 2003