Dictionnaire de l´Ismaélisme

NUM: 878
MOT: SINA, IBN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
CD : N
DEF: 370AH/980-428AH/1037 Abu Ali Husseyn b. Abdullah ibn Sina.
     Célèbre philosophe et médecin ismaélien fâtimide ayant
     pour mère Sitara. Son "Canon de la médecine"
     fut employé comme standard pendant 500 ans en Europe.
     Auteur de "la philosophie illuminative". Nurum Mubin: pp
     187, 188, 194, 214.
     Né à Asfahan (Boukhara). Guérit le prince samanide ibn
     Mansur à l'âge de 17 ans. Rédigeat "Kitab al-Insaf"(28,000
     questions en 20 vol.) A 18 ans, il avait tout lu.

DEF: 370AH/980-428AH/1037 Abu Ali Husseyn b. Abdullah ibn Sina. Famous Fatimide Ismaili philosopher and doctor. He was born in Asfahan (Boukhara), his mother's name was Sitara. His famous book, "Canon of Medicine" set the medical standars in Europe for 500 years. He also wrote the book: "The illuminative philosophy" See Nurum Mubin: pp. 187, 188, 194, 214. At age 17, he cured the Prince Samanide ibn Mansur. He also compiled "Kitab al-Insaf"(28,000 questions in 20 vol.) By 18 years, he had read all books available in his time.

For detailed English text on ABU ALI IBN SINA click here

Updated: 21 March 2003