Document complet

NUM: 402
MOT: TARA RANI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
CD : N
DEF: Reine des Etoiles. Epouse de Harischandra durant le Tréta
     Joug*, allait au Dharam douar* sur son Hanslo* qui était
     sacrifié pendant le Ghat pat*, comme Juro*

DEF: Tara=Star Rani=Queen. Queen of the Stars. Married Harishchandra during Treta Jug* went to Dharam Dwar* riding her horse Hanslo* who was sacrified and then brought back to life during the ceremony of Ghat Patt. His meat was distributed as Juro*

Updated: 21 March 2003