Avicenna, Abu Ali Ibn Sina was the most influential of all Muslim philosopher-scientists in the western world of the Middle Ages. He was known as "Al-Shayk Al Ra'is" (Prince among Scholars) in the East and the "Prince of Physicians" in the west.

He was born in 980 AD in the Northern part of present day Afghanistan, he lived for 57 years and was a most remarkable man because of his knowledge and because of the diversity of the works. He wrote more than 450 works in Arabic and Persian, covering practically every field of knowledge of his time, medicine, philosophy, psychology, physics, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, literature and the theory of music.

His famous "Canon of Medicine" is a systematic encyclopaedia based on the work of Greek, Roman Indian, Persian and Arab physicians and enriched by his own observations and discoveries. Translated into many languages, including Latin in the 12th Century, it was an incomparable authority on the theory and practice of medicine.

In his autobiography, Ibn Sina says that his family had been converted to the Ismaili faith and his perception of the universe was influenced by Ismaili theology.

In 1980, many cultural exhibitions in various parts of the world were held to commemorate a thousand years of the birth of this universal genius, Ibn Sina.

Source: Al Risalah

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