Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: FW: Aga Khan: Prince born to Aga Khan and wife

Subject: Aga Khan: Prince born to Aga Khan and wife

Associated Press Newswires
Copyright 2000. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

GOUVIEUX, France (AP) - The Aga Khan and his German-born wife announced the birth on Tuesday in Paris of a son, Prince Aly Muhammad.

The prince and his 36-year-old mother, Begum Inaara Aga Khan, were doing well, according to the Aga Khan's press office. There was no immediate word on the weight of the child. The 63-year-old Khan is the 49th hereditary imam of the Ismaili Muslim community, which has a following of 12-15 million people worldwide.

He married Gabriele zu Leiningen, of Frankfurt, in May 1998, at his estate, Aiglemont, in Gouvieux, 25 miles (40 kms) north of Paris. A consultant to the U.N. Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, she converted to the Muslim religion, taking the name Inaara.

The Aga Khan has three children from his previous marriage to English-born Princess Salimah, and Begum Inaara has a daughter from a previous marriage.

The new-born prince was named after his late grandfather and Hezrat Aly, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammad and the first imam of the Ismaili Muslims.

L'Aga Khan à nouveau père

PARIS (AP) -- L'Aga Khan et la Bégum Inaara Aga Khan ont annoncé dans un communiqué la naissance ce mardi matin à Paris d'un fils, le prince Aly Muhammad.

Agé de 63 ans, le prince Karim Aga Khan, dont feu le père s'appelait Aly, est le 49e imam héréditaire de la communauté des Ismaéliens. Il s'était marié en secondes noces en mai 1998 à Gabriele zu Leinigen, 36 ans, originaire de Francfort, en Allemagne.

Cette dernière, consultante à l'UNESCO, s'est convertie à l'islam pour épouser le chef spirituel des Ismaéliens, communauté comptant quelque 15.000 de fidèles.

Les époux ont tous deux des enfants issus d'une première union. L'Aga Khan a ainsi eu trois enfants de son premier mariage avec la Britannique Salima: la princesse Zahra, née en 1970, le prince Rahim né en 1971 et le prince Hussain né en 1974. La Bégum a elle aussi une fille issue d'un premier mariage, la princesse Theresa zu Leiningen, née en 1992.

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