H.H. The Aga Khan in Ottawa
May 19 to May 20th, 2004
Video Clips
If you have a slow speed connection, you can still look at extracts of the speech on the akdn.org site.

Warning: Do not attempt to download these files unless you have high speed connection

[H.H. Aga Khan's Address]28:37 min, 127MB
[H.H Aga Khan's Address Part1]: 13.7MB,
[H.H Aga Khan's Address Part2]: 22.1MB ,
[H.H Aga Khan's Address Part3]: 17.3MB,
[H.H Aga Khan's Address Part4]: 16.2MB
(split into downloadable parts)
[Chairman Desmarais's Address]4:21 min, 19.4 MB
[Governor General Adrienne Clarkson's Address] 2:34 min, 11.4 MB
[H.H. The Aga Khan's Depart from the Civilization Museum - May 19th, 2004] 0:11 min, 1.06 MB
[H.H. the Aga Khan's visit to the AKDN site] 0:56 min, 4.42 MB