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Aga Khan's second wife is princess-1998-05-30

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Event - 1998-05-30
Saturday, 1998, May 30
San Jose Mercury News

The Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the world's Ismaili Muslim community, has married a German-born princess who converted to Islam.

In separate religious and civil ceremonies Saturday, the Aga Khan wed Gabriele zu Leiningen at his Aiglemont estate in Gouvieux, 25 miles north of Paris near Chantilly. It was the second marriage for both.

The Frankfurt-born princess, 35, a consultant at the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris, took the Muslim name ``Inaara'' upon her marriage to the 61-year-old Aga Khan, according to the statement.

The Aga Khan is the 49th imam of the Ismaili community, which has 12 million to 15 million adherents worldwide. He has three children from his first marriage to English-born Princess Salimah, all of whom work at his headquarters at Aiglemont.

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