October 25, 1994

CIDA and AKFC Sign $25 Million Social Institution Development Program

Foreign Affairs Minister Andre Ouellet is pictured here on October 25, 1994 with Mr. Ameer Esmail, National Committee Chairman, Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC), as they sign the $25 million Social Institution Development Program (SIDP) for Pakistan. The program aims to improve the capacity of non-governmental organizations to deliver programs in primary health care, early childhood education and new opportunities for women. The Canadian Government's contribution will be made over eight years through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and AFKC.

The ceremony was held in Toronto prior to a dinner marking AFKC's 15th Anniversary. "This partnership agreement will help Pakistan strengthen its social institutions," said Mr. Ouellet.

"The Aga Khan Foundation has a strong track record based not only on good management, skilful planning and commitment, but also because their focus is on giving people choices and communities control over their own development."

Later in his speech, Mr. Ouellet outlined new perspectives on Canada's development assistance program.

Source: The Ismaili, Canada

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